Care Support Ministries

Prayer Ministry

Contact: Shari Clark
[email protected]

Participants commit themselves to the ministry of intercessory prayer on parishioners and those in our community.
Please join us!

To enter a prayer request online,
use the submission form below.

Stephen Ministers

Contact: the office at 602-866-9191

All Saints is a Stephen Ministry congregation. The Stephen Ministry logo symbolizes that we are all broken people and that it is through the cross of Jesus that we are made whole.

Pastors will always be on the front lines of care, especially during times of crisis. But there are so many more needs for ongoing, one-to-one care than pastors effectively can meet by themselves. Stephen Ministry provides a solution. Gifted lay people are trained to support and extend the care that pastors continue to provide. Stephen Ministers reach out with God's love to people who are hurting....both parishioners and people in our surrounding community.

Stephen Ministry is a confidential ministry. The identity of those receiving care and what takes place in each caring relationship remain private.

To learn more about Stephen Ministry click here.

Created specifically for potential Stephen Ministry applicants, the webpage features a video of Stephen Ministers talking about their training experience, answers to frequently asked questions, and encouragement for those thinking about applying.

Grief Support Group

Contact: the office at 602-866-9191

When attempting to describe the depth of emotion we experience when someone we love dies, we struggle to put our sorrow and pain into words and into a context we can understand. Whether you are recently bereaved or experiencing the pain of long-standing grief, Good Grief is provided to give you the encouragement needed to help you move forward with your changed lives.

The Good Grief support group provides an emotionally safe environment in which to process the pain of loss that occurs. We laugh and we cry and begin to heal, each in our own way. A group of 3-8 adults committed to regular attendance provides the best experience. We welcome parishioners and our friends in the community.

The Good Grief Support Group is:
 - A place where people come together to work on and understand the consequences and pain of a life change.
- A safe place where you can share your story, your struggles, your concerns.
 - An empowering place where you have the freedom to ask “the big questions!”
 - A gathering place where you can safely search for your own answers with the support of others.
 - A loving, caring, generous, educational, healing place.

Memorial Garden / 

Contact: the office at 602-866-9191

Our columbaruim is complete. It is exciting to see this long-awaited and meaningful ministry present on our campus.
Interested in more information? Please see the office staff for questions or pricing on the following: 

-If you have been waiting to reserve a niche as part of your long-term funeral planning
- If you have existing cremains for whom you would like a peaceful and permanent place
- If you would like a memorial plaque for the memorial wall in memory of a loved one

Reservation forms are available in the Church Office. 
For More Information Contact Shari Clark at 

All Saints is dedicated to memorializing members of our congregation and their families with honor, respect and dignity.

Prayer Request

We welcome requests for prayers of need as well as prayers of thanksgiving or praise. Our congregational members on the prayer team will pray for your request as soon as possible. Thank you for submitting your request and may the peace of our Lord be with you always!

Submit Prayer Request