Faith Groups

FAITH GROUPS connect believers to God and His family.

Faith Groups (previously known as Small Groups) expose participants daily to the Holy Spirit working in the hearts of people and ministries that reach out to men, women, and children who are forming who they are and who they will be through the saving grace of God's love.

Faith Groups develop believers for ministry and evangelism by teaching do-able actions that fit their lives. Faith Groups invite members to gather around Scripture, prayers of intercession and thanksgiving and, at the end, say: "Wow, we just engaged in the act of witnessing!" And they will be right.

Like Peter and John before the Sanhedrin, may the people of this church SHARE all they have seen and heard about the love of Jesus because they can't keep it to themselves!

New ideas for Faith Groups ministries are ALWAYS welcome!
Please contact the church office with your suggestions.

Men's Breakfast

Men's Breakfast is on break for the summer.

All Saints men's breakfast and Bible study is back with in person food, fun, fellowship and Bible Study. We meet every Wednesday morning at 7:00am in the Fellowship hall at All Saints. Come and enjoy a hearty full breakfast and fellowship. We use the upcoming scripture lessons for discussion and have time for prayers. For more information contact the church office.


Cut-Ups is on break for the summer.

Every Wednesday we meet 9:00am to 11:30am

Sewing machines and all materials (yarn, thread, notions) are provided. The Cut-Ups would welcome your participation, both women and men. The group enjoys the fellowship as well as the gratification that comes from their service to those in need. The group knits, crochets, cuts, sews and quilts newborn layettes, shawls, lap robes, afghans and baby quilts for patients at Maricopa County Hospital.

Co-Leaders: Terri Reiman & Shirley Baltuch

Please call the church office if you have further questions or just show up if you would like to try it out.

Joy Circle

Joy Circle is on break for the summer.

Each month the ladies of the Joy Circle meet on the 1st Tuesday of the month. All are welcome to join in this time of fellowship and study.

Contact Donald Wade in the church office for more information: [email protected] or 602-866-9191

Heavenly Hikers

Heavenly Hikers is on break for the summer.

Heavenly Hikers meets the first Saturday of every month to explore a different hiking trail.

Contact Donald Wade at [email protected] for more information.

Book Club

Book Club is on break for the summer.

You are invited to join fellow lovers of literature as they discuss current books... fiction, non-fiction, and topical. Participants are encouraged to suggest titles for the group to consider. We always welcome newcomers! The book club meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Contact Donald Wade at [email protected] for more information.

Care Card Project

Card Card Project is on break for the summer.

Classes are the 3rd Tuesday and 4th Saturday of each month.

Participants must be older than 6 years. Class attendance is limited to 12 attendees in order to give each participant focused, individual instruction.

Please RSVP by signing up at the Senior Ministry cart in the Narthex, or call the church office.

Culinary Service

The All Saints Culinary Service creates personalized dining experiences for receptions, parties, and special events for the congregation and in other locations.

Culinary’s annual “Nutcracker Sweets” event provides delicious home-made cookies and candies that are beautifully packaged for the enjoyment and convenience of the congregation. Funds received help to purchase important items to support congregation ministries.

You are invited to join in the fun as the group researches, plans, coordinates, designs, learns, shares, laughs, prays and serves our Lord. No experience is necessary! The group meets several times during the year for special events.

If you have an interest, or questions, please contact Donald Wade at 602-866-9191.