Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest
Do You Know All They Do?
For more than 45 years, Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest has stabilized individuals and families during times of crisis and transition, built a self-reliant foundation where all people can fulfill their most basic needs, and preserved dignity and respect for our most fragile population in Arizona.
Aging & Disability Services
Prevents seniors and individuals with disabilities from experience isolation, loneliness, and health risks, so that they can live safely in their homes and within their communities. Includes home care, habilitation, Meals on Wheels, and grocery shopping services.
Children & Family Services
Builds strong families to help children grow in safe and loving families through a comprehensive range of services. Includes adoption, child and family workshops, community education, Family Resource Centers, foster care, parent aide and supervised visitation.
Emergency Services
Relieves hunger and homelessness for neighbors facing extreme poverty. Includes interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program (I-HELP), food pantries, rent & utility assistance, SNAP assistance, health insurance outreach and enrollment, and disaster preparedness.
Refugee and Immigration Services
Resettles the world’s most vulnerable neighbors fleeing war, violence, and persecution. Includes resettlement, immigration, employment assistance, K-12 education services, and women’s empowerment.
How Can You Help?
Volunteer: A variety of opportunities to match your skills and interests are available.
Come & See: Attend a one-hour tour of their mission at locations across the state.
Connect: Engage your community group, friends or congregation members in an impactful way.
Foster: Open your home and heart to children in need of your love.
Subscribe: Receive newsletters, advocacy alerts and other updates about their work.
Explore the website for info on all of the above topics:
Donation Needs:
Bus & light rail passes or gas cards
Children’s diapers and adult pull-ups
Boxes of cereal, canned food
New car seats and booster seats
Cleaning supplies: Lysol wipes, kitchen & bathroom cleaning spray
Note: Contact Lutheran Social Services directly to donate the above items.
And Did You Also Know?
All Saints provides meeting space for an LSS-SW social worker to meet with clients and offer financial assistance with utilities.
Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission
The Navajo Mission is located at Rock Point, AZ on the Navajo Indian Reservation. It celebrates the Navajo culture, educates the children who attend the school about the stories of Jesus and provides a sacred worship space for church groups that come to volunteer at the mission. For more information contact the church office at 602-866-9191 or click on the link below to be directed to the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission website.
Iglesia Luterana "Vida Nueva"
Through Social Ministry, ASLC has agreed to partner with our Hispanic Lutheran church in Phoenix. This means monetary commitment, pulpit sharing and hopefully some social events. Volunteer opportunities exist in mentoring and English language help.
Check out the most recent update they sent us on their minitries!
ELCA Missionary: Pastor Kristin Engstrom
Hello and Salama dear siblings in Christ,
I pray you are doing well and shining with the light of Christ during this season of Epiphany.
It has been some time since my last newsletter sharing with you about my life and ministry as an ELCA Global Missionary. But, I am glad to finally share some big news with you, both here and in my newsletter: I have moved from Zambia in southern Africa to Madagascar, an island off the east coast of Madagascar. I actually moved to Madagascar one year ago this week! As you can imagine when one moves to a new country and begins a new call, the last year has been quite hectic yet full of interesting and challenging ministry.
You will find more information, photos, and news in my February 2025 Newsletter (link below). The Newsletter is also available on my blog.
Grace and peace and the love of God be with you,
Pastor Kristin Engstrom
ELCA global missionary in Madagascar
Pastor Kristin Engstrom
Kristin’s birthday: June 5
Ordination: September 13
Anniversary: June 27
Companion Synod Connection: Grand Canyon Synod
Home-base: Minnesota, Iowa
BA-International Relations and Comparative Literature - University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI
MDiv. Pastoral Ministry - Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, IL